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Sylvania 12AX7

Posted: Sun 11/14/10 9:58 am
by dotfret
It is a well known fact that I am rubbish at taking photos, but a valve from my historic collection just turned up in a box, so I've tried to take some pics before I drop it (or worse).

It is a Sylvania 12AX7, around 1960 - it looks internally like a 5751. You see them on eBay sometimes, usually branded as Baldwin or some other organ manufacturer.
This is the only one I've ever seen branded Sylvania. Sounds very similar to a Mullard of the same age. I'm posting these low quality pics because I don't know of any others, it is such a rarity.

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Posted: Mon 11/15/10 7:13 pm
by insanecopilot
I have a few of those labeled both Baldwin and Hammond. The plates are narrow long plate. As far as i know only Sylvania made narrow plates like this. I have one labeled Sylvania to compare them to and they are identical. They sound very sweet and are not at all microphonic. If you have a scanner that would probably give you better results......Good find though!

Posted: Mon 11/22/10 11:59 pm
by dotfret
Sylvania were not alone, but I never knew what to make of it - I have some others made to this pattern, far east manufacture from the 70s, branded GE and Raytheon.

What I have never understood is why Sylvania made them in parallel to the ladder plate types, and why so many are not branded Sylvania, although they are coded for Sylvania. I have several Sylvania ladder plates of similar age ...